The art of Kevin Blythe Sampson



Stuff Kevin Wrote : What have we done, Rep. Gabrielle Gifford, The Tea Party and Arizona……..

Well let me dish

ARIZONA wolverton-stupidity

     I am really sorry about those folks that got shot up in Arizona, Its a shame. But come on……….. Everyone that is reading this knows, that this is where this tea party discourse, would end up.

      I remember saying two or so years ago, that the Election of Obama would call up all kinds of creepy, crawly things that have been buried in the belly of America.
     This attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords, is a byproduct, of Glen Beck, Bill Reilly, Rush, and Shawn and Queen Palin.
  When Obama was elected the call went out to what would become the birthers and every racist group that has been training secretly in the woods since the inception of America.
We all knew and those on the right knew too.
     Now those leading the charge up front like fox news are just and patsy’s for the big corporations that run this and just about every other country.
     Like poor white trash, during reconstruction, they were a friend to free slaves, until the rich businessman, saw that their was no profit in letting the underclass, bond. Intuitively knowing that these kind of bonds would lead to the future unions that are so reviled today by the right.

    So he formed the Klan, and made bombs that killed little girls in Alabama. Just like that poor little girl, Christina Green, who was born on 911 and killed by a American lunatic...

     This is more than a coincidence.; it is a pivotal moment in American history.
In any case, who is surprised about Rep. Gabrielle Gifford’s being shot.
     America knows where the soul its foundation is buried as they batter about bad quotations from a non-inclusive constitution.
Who is shocked by this turn of events?
The top layer of this country is untouchable.
Down ward to people, who join things like the tea party. I know, as I age I get mean but I haven’t got bitter. And the tea party is not in fact any thing more than a group of people who are dissatisfied with their lives, and lonely like so much of the rest of America.
     But most of all, these people are selfish, they aren’t happy with the way their lives have turned out, since discovering the warts on the American dream. They found out that the dream doesn’t supply happiness…. just things. These are Selfish kind of people that go to church, but forget many of its tenants. Its not about color so much as it is about greed, and the inability of these types to see beyond them selves, or the true nature of giving. They are so worried about those brown folks getting some thing for free, that it causes them to lose the very Christian spirit that they so profess to posses.

Then well below the tea party folks who are like a killer frost, their lies the dormant, virus that has been awoken. This illness is displayed in people that are so damaged that they don’t even want the American dream. American who don’t want it so bad, that they fight it, and try to kill it even as they profess their love, for it

You see the call went out for too long, this time; it went to deep.

Business, using the right winders, just wanted to restore itself to it

Rightful place on the world and most of all money stage.

Instead they have created a resident evil, throng’s of the undead, mindless racist walking amought the living.

My prediction is that.............. This is just the beginning, its the beginning of the quicking.

The thought of Obama winning again will drive this country to the brink.


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