The art of Kevin Blythe Sampson



Kevin says: Kaye, Venus, Obama the race war is on


Kevin says: Kaye, Venus, Obama the race war is on

Look this will be a short sweet and blunt

Ok Kayne West did some thing stupid doesn't he always

but you don't take a microphone from a little white girl

on stage in front of the whole world

Obama gave him the strength to do this

he figured that black folks have more power

Honey they would Emmitt till you if the could

messing with the white girl and she is country and western too

And Venus

how dare a woman curse during a match

what is wrong with you

You are big strong beautiful black and talented

but you are still a woman and black to boot

woman can curse

my prediction

the right wing knows how bad they are looking at the town hall meetings

so they will do what they always do

fan the flames of racial division

watch and see it will be all over the news

Fox news already is pissed

Negro in the white house

Joe Wilson yelling liar

its on baby

the race war is on

only this time i think we gots lots of help

lots of white folks on our side

but they are smart white folks

which means they aren't from the trailer park

have good jobs

and don't want to get locked up or loud

Obama i am warning you

fight fight they are after you

yup negroes acting uppity

negroes woman yelling at a old white woman

Negro man taking a mike from a white girl

black man taking the presidency from a old white guy

lord lord Beulah is scared now

she is breaking string beans on the porch

and muttering lord lord over and over again

did you really think that stuff had changed

Post racial my ass

these red necks are pissed

they are rallying around the country

and stocking up on ammo

where is our America they ask

ill answer them

your America was changed

when they did the voters rights act

it was altered when we got off the back of the bus

and blown up when we elected a black man president

your new America is black and brown and tan and white

its a America that some times reads a newspaper

\or goes to a museum

instead of picnicking at Klu Klux Klan rallies

sorry your America is gone

you have been over run

\by the brown ones from the south

out maneuvered by a black one from Chicago

give it up

but Beulah is praying now

praying here comes the media fueled and inspired race war

maybe we will have real wars now

run from CNN and fox news

God help us

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