The art of Kevin Blythe Sampson



Forget Quran Burning; Air Sex And Clothed Pole Dancing Are Blasphemy

Joe Peacock

Joe Peacock Contributor

(Sept 15) -- We have lost our perspective on what makes us, as a people, great.

We have become far too focused on the wrong things: the tea party, Glenn Beck, the debate surrounding the Bush tax cuts, the "end" to combat operations in Iraq and recently the proposed burning of Qurans in Florida. All of this infighting and disagreement has clouded our judgment and caused us to turn a blind eye to what's really wrong with this world.
The Air Sex World Championship
Mary Sledd
Is this what the world has come to? At the Air Sex World Championships in Brooklyn, N.Y., eager participants will get it on and have mock intercourse -- and make a mockery out of sex, according to our columnist.

I speak, of course, about the Air Sex World Championships in Brooklyn, N.Y., and the "No Nudity or Profane Gestures" Pole Dancing Championships in Vancouver, Canada.

PEOPLE! I implore you, let go of your petty differences and unite with me against these horrible social injustices! Pole dancing with clothes on? And no "profane gestures"? This, in and of itself, is profane! The entire concept of pole dancing is to get dirty while naked! Doing it with clothes on is not only pointless, it gives the dancer far too many places for me to stick $1 bills!

And "air sex" -- what the hell? Air guitar, sure. That can be amusing as we watch morons pretend to have talent while engaging in an activity practiced exclusively by those who have none whatsoever. But to take this mockery to the world of sexual positions and movements is just disgusting and smacks in the face everything we hold dear ... namely, boobs.

Clothed simulations of sex and pole dancing. And we're worried about people burning religious books? Wake up, sheeple, lest we next see clothed porn.
Forget Quran Burning; Air Sex And Clothed Pole Dancing Are Blasphemy

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